Sunday, July 09, 2006


Weekends should always be spent like this.

After a frenzy of cleaning on Friday (I strongly recommend impromtu parties as a means of spurring the less-than-houseproud, such as myself, to doing housework) Friday night's party was excellent, especially given the short notice: there was a point I looked around and realised that my often fragmented life had miraculously combined, with representatives from various times and places all gathered together in the one venue. Miraculously, all of them seemed to be getting on together, too.

Saturday I slept in til late afternoon, and recovered, and watched the first episode of the new Doctor Who series, which made me feel like a delighted child again - the sort of delighted child who wrote fan letters to numerous actors from earlier seasons of the series, and still have the autographed photos I received in reply from various Doctors, companions and other cast members to this day.

Today I went to see The Three Burials of Melquiades Estrada with Josh, and then had dinner with Glen, and then came home to watch the new David Attenborough series, Planet Earth.

Now I'm having a glass of wine and listening to Sigur Ros.

Good friends, good entertainment, intelligent discourse, drunken nipple-licking, deeply moving stories, amazing cinemtography, good music, and nervous baboons wading through a flood.

What more could you ask for?


walypala said...


richardwatts said...

You don't ask for termites, Mike. You just find them. Rather like crabs, really. ;-)

mskp said...

we saw three burials last week and i was pretty impressed. though i still cringe* when people laugh in parts that i find tragic or poignant. the same thing happened with brokeback and i gave some evil looks on the way out of the dendy.

'twas ever so good to see you on friday - you were in fine form and i had lots fun with the posse of poets.

see you on tuesday...

*by cringe, i mean swear and exhale loudly...

Gemnastics said...

A long overdue party at my house in Sydney led to an even longer overdue Serious Clean. We were so enchanted with the result that we kept having parties so that we would have a reason to have to clean the house. Unfortunately the mess the following day and our respective states of incompetence led us to the addictive habit of paying for professional cleaners. After that we never looked back. They even arranged our food-splattered take-away menus into delightful piles on the coffee table.

It cost us $90 a go from then onward. It was much cheaper for the folks a few doors down who'd recommended the cleaners, but we were much filthier. Eventually we all moved out. Some felt the need to go as far as interstate.

davethescot said...

I don't think I have seen Wally's bar so crowded, twas an excellent time, although having to play that last hour was kind of torturous, but in a good way.
Kudos to you.